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Very High Grade Yellow Cherry Shrimp (Neocaridina davidi var. "Yellow")

Very High Grade Yellow Cherry Shrimp (Neocaridina davidi var. "Yellow")

Regular price $7.00 AUD
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Very High-Grade AAA cherry shrimp

Cherry shrimp are small freshwater shrimp. They will add colour to any tank and are are an ideal invertebrate for nano tanks and planted tanks. Our shrimp are high grade and very yellow in colouring. 


The yellow cherry shrimp is one of the hardiest shrimp and are a great beginner aquarium shrimp.


Yellow Cherry shrimp, like other dwarf shrimp, are very peaceful and vulnerable. They will never harm any tank mates but will easily fall prey to hungry fish.


Suggested tank mates could include  Endler Guppies, small rasboras and Celestial Pearl Danios. 


Our starter colony (20) includes: 


- 2 saddled females

- 2 adult males

- 15 juveniles

Very High Grade Yellow Cherry Shrimp (Neocaridina davidi var. "Yellow")


Temperament : Peaceful
Care Level : Easy
Colour : Bright Yellow
Diet : Shrimp pellets
Adult Size : 1.5-3cm
Lifespan : 1 — 2 years
Water Temperature : 15°C — 30°C
Water Ph : 6.5 — 8.0
Minimum Tank Size : 7.5 Litres


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